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Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to a system or network based on a user's identity and the permissions they have been granted.

Authorization is the process of determining what actions a user, device, or application is allowed to perform within a system or network. This includes determining which resources can be accessed and what actions can be taken with those resources. Authorization is often tied to authentication, where a user's identity is first verified before determining what actions they are authorized to perform.In the context of IoT, authorization is critical to ensure that only authorized devices or applications are able to access and interact with IoT devices and networks. This includes controlling which devices are able to connect to a network, as well as what data they are able to access and what actions they are able to perform. Unauthorized access to IoT devices can not only lead to data breaches, but can also pose physical risks if the devices control critical infrastructure or machinery.Effective authorization practices in IoT require the use of strong access control policies and technologies, including role-based access control and permissions management. It is important to continuously monitor and update authorization policies as the IoT landscape evolves and new threats emerge.


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