IoT Glossary

The world of IoT can be daunting, we’ve done our best to help you navigate it with dozens of key definitions (and counting).
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Key Management
Key management is the process of generating, storing, distributing, and revoking cryptographic keys used to secure data and communications.
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Access Control

Access control is the process of controlling and managing access to a system or network, typically through the use of user authentication, authorization, and permissions.
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Application Security

Application security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect software applications from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Asset Tracking

Asset tracking is the process of monitoring and managing the location and movement of physical assets, such as equipment, vehicles, or inventory
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Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or application attempting to access a system or network.
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Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to a system or network based on a user's identity and the permissions they have been granted.
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Behavior Analytics

Behavior analytics is the process of analyzing patterns of user behavior and activity to identify potential security threats and incidents.
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A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology that provides a secure and transparent way to store and exchange information.
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Cloud Security

Cloud security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect data, applications, and infrastructure hosted in cloud environments.
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Confidentiality is the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure.
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Connected IoT Devices

Connected devices refer to the growing network of devices, appliances, and equipment that are connected to the internet and capable of collecting and exchanging data.
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Cryptography is the practice of securing information through the use of encryption and other cryptographic techniques.
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Cryptowallets are digital wallets used to securely store, manage, and transfer cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.
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Cybersecurity is the set of measures and practices used to protect computer systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks, theft, and damage.
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Data Integrity

Data integrity is the assurance that data is accurate, complete, and consistent over its entire lifecycle.
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Digital Certificates

Digital certificates are electronic documents that are used to verify the identity of a person, device, or organization.
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyber attack that involves overwhelming a system or network with traffic, typically from multiple sources.
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Edge Security

Edge security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect devices, applications, and data at the edge of a network or system.
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Embedded Systems

Embedded systems are computer systems that are integrated into other devices, such as cars, appliances, and medical devices.
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Encryption is the process of converting data into a secret code to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure.
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Endpoint Security

Endpoint security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Firewalls are security devices or software that are used to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic, based on a set of predefined security rules.
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Firmware Security

Firmware security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect the firmware, or low-level software, that controls the hardware of a device.
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Fraud Detection

Fraud detection refers to the set of measures and practices used to identify and prevent fraudulent activity, such as credit card fraud or identity theft.
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Hardware Security

Hardware security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect the physical components of a computer system or device from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and access management (IAM) is the set of practices and technologies used to manage digital identities and control access to computer systems and networks.
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In-Field Provisionning

In-field provisioning is the process of securely deploying and configuring software and firmware updates to IoT devices in the field, without requiring physical access.
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Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the process of connecting physical things to the internet to benefit from the data they can provide and to control them remotely.
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Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring and analyzing computer systems and networks for signs of unauthorized access or malicious activity.
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IoT Malware

IoT malware refers to malicious software or code that is specifically designed to target Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as smart home devices or industrial control systems.
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IoT Security

IoT security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect Internet of Things (IoT) devices and networks from cyber attacks, theft, and damage.
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Key Management

Key management is the process of generating, storing, distributing, and revoking cryptographic keys used to secure data and communications.
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Matter Standard

The Matter Standard is an open-source, royalty-free, and secure standard for smart home devices that enables interoperability and security.
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Mobile Device Security

Mobile device security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Network Security

Network security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect computer networks from cyber attacks, theft, and damage.
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Non-repudiation is the assurance that a user or system cannot deny having sent or received a message or performed an action.
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OAuth is an open standard protocol used for secure authorization of web and mobile applications.
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Over-The-Air (OTA) Updates

Over-the-air (OTA) updates are software updates for devices or systems that are delivered wirelessly, typically through a wireless network or cellular connection.
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Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or "pen testing," is the practice of simulating cyber attacks on computer systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
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Privacy refers to the right of individuals to control how their personal information is collected, used, and disclosed.
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Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Public key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of technologies and practices used to secure communications and transactions over the internet.
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Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations at high speeds.
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Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring is the process of continuously monitoring computer systems and networks for signs of cyber attacks or other security incidents.
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Rogue Devices

Rogue devices are unauthorized or unmanaged devices that are connected to a computer network, typically without the knowledge or approval of network administrators.
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Secure Boot

Secure boot is a process that ensures the integrity and authenticity of firmware, operating systems, and other software components on a computer system or device.
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Secure Elements

Secure elements are specialized hardware components that are designed to securely store and manage cryptographic keys and other sensitive information.
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Secure Firmware

Secure firmware refers to firmware, or low-level software, that is designed to be resistant to cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Security Analytics

Security analytics is the process of using data analysis and machine learning techniques to identify and respond to security threats and incidents.
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Security Operations Center (SOC)

A security operations center (SOC) is a centralized facility or team responsible for monitoring and responding to security incidents and threats.
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Security Policies

Security policies are the set of rules and procedures that govern the use, access, and management of computer systems, networks, and data.
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Self-healing refers to the ability of a computer system or network to automatically detect, diagnose, and repair security issues or other problems.
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Semiconductor Manufacturers

Semiconductor manufacturers are companies that design, develop, and produce semiconductor materials, chips, and electronic components used in electronic devices
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Smart Contract Security

Smart contract security refers to the set of measures and practices used to ensure the integrity and security of blockchain-based smart contracts.
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Smart Home IoT Devices

Smart home IoT devices are internet-connected devices that are designed to automate and enhance various aspects of a home.
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Software Security

Software security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect software applications from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol used to secure communications over computer networks, including the internet.
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Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure and private network connection that allows users to access resources and services over the internet.
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Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying and assessing potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems and networks.
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Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, prioritizing, and addressing potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems and networks.
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Wireless Security

Wireless security refers to the set of measures and practices used to protect wireless networks and devices from cyber attacks and data breaches.
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