SEcurity lifecycle manaGEMENt

Continuous IoT Firmware Monitoring services

We help companies keep their devices and firmware within their defined security target throughout their entire lifecycle, enabling them to comply with post-market surveillance requirements common to regulators like the EU CRA, UK PSTI, and US Cyber Trust Mark. Master the vulnerability exposure of your firmware and be notified when there are new threats to your device.

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software monitoring illustration


Support level adapted to your IoT firmware monitoring needs

  • Daily firmware scan
  • Daily update of CVE database
  • 1 year of monitoring, renewable
  • 4 firmware updates included
  • Security Expert analysis


Continuous firmware monitoring capabilities

Our firmware monitoring capabilities and IoT security expertise give you a clear understanding of how your system measures against recent and relevant threats.

Identification of relevant risks

We sort through the numerous alerts raised regularly for your IoT system, we identify potential attack vectors, filtering out attacks with limited effect or too difficult to implement. This results in a comprehensive view of relevant new risks that your products should be protected against

Full confidentiality level

The Continuous Firmware Monitoring runs on-premises in our secure building in Switzerland to ensure we maintain a controlled confidentiality level. The monitoring is enriched with threat intelligence from Shodan and the NIST NVD.

Supported platforms

Unencrypted firmware file, update file, or flash dump, including archives, filesystems, and compressed data are supported for most of the IoT hardware platforms and OS. Further insights are provided with Linux- based platforms.

Continuous Firmware Monitoring

Fact Sheet

Continuous Firmware Monitoring

We help companies keep their devices, firmware within their defined security target over their lifecycle.

Get the PDF


Typical vulnerabilities under monitoring

Benefit from Kudelski IoT’s unparalelled security and monitoring expertise, on demand or through your whole IoT journey.

3rd-party components (software composition analysis) and thousands of known vulnerabilities
Default or undocumented credentials (often exploited by “Mirai” and other bots)
Hardcoded cryptographic secrets (including certificates and private keys)
Leftover development or backdoor accounts
Vulnerable service configuration


Contact us to learn more

For more information about our continuous firmware monitoring services, contact us….


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